Welcome to the St. Louis Internship Program (SLIP) Employer Partner Portal

Founded in 1992, the St. Louis Internship Program (SLIP) has provided summer internships for over 4,400 St. Louis youth. SLIP employers are part of a year round, comprehensive workforce development program that includes 60 hours of pre-employment job training prior to them earning an internship placement. Upon completion of their internships, SLIP interns also participate in ACT prep, college visits, academic and career development, as well as credentialing opportunities. SLIP’s services have proven to increase our participant’s work readiness skills and career development opportunities. 

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact: Lisa Brunts, Workforce Business Recruiter at lisab@bgcstl.org or Shanise Johnson, Executive Director, St. Louis Internship Program at shanise@bgcstl.org

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